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Favourite Photos

What is Favourite photos? 

Favourite photos is a function that enables you to bookmark your favourite pictures from members’ profiles or events.

You can bookmark a maximum of 2000 pictures in up to 20 individual galleries. You can access these images at any time by going to your ‘Favourite Photos’ page which is located in the top right hand corner menu.

Each of the photos will contain a link in the top right corner to redirect you either to the profile of the member or the event page the picture originates from.

How do I add a picture?

If you happen to view a profile or an event which has a picture you like, place your cursor over the image and the 'Add to favourite photos' message will appear. If you select the message, you will be prompted to select which of your galleries you would like the photo to be bookmarked into. You can bookmark up to 2,000 pictures.

How do I add galleries?

If you go to the 'Favourite Photos' tab on the top right hand menu of your account, you will have access to the Favourite photos page. Choosing the 'Add a Gallery' button at the top left hand corner will enable you to create additional galleries. You can create up to 20 galleries.

How do I reorganise my photos?

If you go to the 'Favourite Photos' tab on the top right hand menu of your account, you will have access to the Favourite Photos page.

From there you are able to grab and drag your pictures to your preferred gallery very much like in the photo upload page of your account.

To grab a hold of an image (drag and drop), place the cursor over the image that you wish you move and hold the left button of your mouse down. This 'grabs' the photo. You will only be able to do this on your PC.

You can now drag the image to another location. Once you have dragged the picture to where you would like it to appear, simply release the left button on your mouse to drop it into that gallery.

Why is my photo no longer viewable?

If a member moves one of your favourite photos from his public gallery to his 🔒Private Gallery, if he deletes it completely from his account or if we classify the picture as ‘Unacceptable’, the picture will no longer be viewable in your favourite photos gallery.

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