What is cruise?
Cruise is a way for you to tell another member you like them or their profile.
How do I cruise another member?
Open their profile and go to the 'Cruise' button at the lower right of their profile. You will then appear in the member’s Who cruised me? list.
How do I opt-out or opt-in to the cruise feature?
You can change your opt-in by going to the top right hand menu and selecting "Settings". There are three tabs at the top "Account", "Preferences" and "privacy. Select "Privacy" and then tick/untick the "Cruses" option. If you opt-out of cruise then you will not be able to cruise other members and they will not be able to cruise you.
How many times can I cruise somebody?
You will only be able to cruise another member's profile once every 7 days.
What functions are available to premium members using the cruise feature?
Only premium members are listed in the Top 100 cruised list.
How do you decide who is in the Top 100 cruised list?
Premium members who were cruised the most in the last 30 days will appear on the list. Members with the same number of cruises in the list appear in a random order.
What happens to cruise if I hide my profile?
When you hide your profile, you are temporarily removing your profile from the site. You will not be able to cruise other members and they will not be able to cruise you.
If you hide your profile you will also not appear in the Who cruised me? list of other members even if you cruised them before hiding your profile.
If you then un-hide your profile in the same 30 day period, you will appear back on the Who cruised me? lists of all those members you cruised.
What happens to cruises when I block a profile?
If you block a member they will not be able to cruise you and you will not be able to cruise them. If you cruised them before blocking them you will still appear in their Who cruised me? list. If you remove the block you will be able to cruise the member again and they will be able to cruise you.
What happens to cruise if I am a standard member and I upgrade?
You will be eligible to appear in the Top 100 cruised list as soon as you upgrade.
What happens to cruise if I am a premium member and I downgrade?
You will no longer be eligible to appear in the Top 100 cruised list as soon as you downgrade. If you were in the list you will be taken off but as soon as you upgrade back to premium membership you will be reinstated on the list.
How do I turn on / off the sound notification when someone cruises me?
Go to the top right hand menu and select "Settings". There are three tabs at the top "Account", "Preferences" and "privacy. Select "Privacy" and then tick/untick the "preferences" option. If you opt-out of cruise then you will not be able to cruise other members and they will not be able to cruise you.