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Events on App

Where is ‘Events’ located?

Event is located between the menus ‘Profiles’ and ‘My Account’ on the main drawer menu.


The menu Events section will display two different categories: ‘Calendar’ and ‘Galleries’.


The Calendar screen will display a list of all the events, organised or supported by Recon.

When the desired Event is selected, a new screen will appear automatically showing two tabs relating to such Event: ‘Event Details’ and ‘Who’s Going’.

  • Event Details shows the full information for the event, with the option to add yourself to the event, by ticking the option ‘I will be attending’, which will automatically generate an entry on the Calendar tab of your profile to reflect your attendance.
  • Who’s Going shows a comprehensive list of the members who have already added themselves to attend the Event.

When the Events you have attended come to an end, they will leave your Calendar automatically.


The Galleries screen will display a list of all past events, including photos, with the option to navigate through them all and see them in full size.

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