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All About Home

What is Home?

We’re making it easier for you to get connected and keep up to date with the latest on Recon - welcome to Home! We’ve created one central hub for you to easily see all the filthy action all in one place. You’ll be able to scroll down your Home page and see who cruised you, what hot guys there are in your area, which of your friends have updated their pictures and so much more!

You can use the friends and favourites feature to get more alerts on your Home page from your favourite members. The more you use your profile to interact with other members, the more your Home page will thrive with new information. You can even upload new photos to your profile straight from the Home screen, meaning you’ll appear on your friend’s Home page more often too.


Home Tabs

You’ll see three tabs along the top of the screen called “All”, “Cruises” and “Requests”.

Choose “All” to see the latest from your Friends and Favourites, Blog posts direct from Recon, upcoming events and more as well as your latest cruises and requests from other guys.

The “Cruises” tab shows you a list of all the men who have hit the cruise button to let you know they think you’re hot. You can cruise them back, mark them as a friend or favourite or even message them from this screen too!

“Requests” shows you your pending friends requests and reminds you of who has accepted your friends requests too. Just tap or click on the tick to accept or the cross to deny the friends request.

Your Home page will update in real time, so look out for the banner that says “You have new alerts” whilst you are scrolling through so you don’t miss any of the action. Tap on that banner to be scrolled to the top of the Home page to see the latest.



All of our events will appear on your Home page as and when we add them to our calendar. You’ll be able to see who from your Friends list have said they are attending as well as having the ability to mark yourself as attending directly from the Home page itself.

It doesn’t stop once the party has ended though – we’ll also post all of our official photos from the events on the Home page too!


Share on Social Media

Ever wanted to share a news article or event with your social media followers? We’ve got you covered – now you can just click or tap on the social media buttons to share on either Facebook or Twitter!

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