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All About Filtering
You can now filter the types of men you want to see on the Profiles page!
How to turn it on
Just go to Profiles in the left hand side menu, click on a location to see members who are online now in that location and click on the Filter On/Off button at the top of the page!
Filter Off
Filter On
How to change your filters
Just click on the pencil symbol to open up the editing page which will look a bit like this:
Any filter that is active will show up in RED so you can see what you have selected.
All members can play around and choose exactly what they want from:
- Age
- Role
- Interests
Premium members can additionally filter Profiles by the following criteria:
- Height
- Body Type
- Body Hair
- Hair- Ethnicity
- Safe Sex
- Joined Within
- Travel (Online and New Member lists only)
- Members with Photos
- Show Premium Members Only
Click on the reset button to go back to remove any settings or click on the apply button at the top of the filter if you are happy with your choices!
You don't need to change your filter each time you turn it on - we save your previous settings so you can get on with the more important stuff.
How to turn it on
Just go to Profiles in the left hand side menu and tap on the Filter On/Off button at the top of the page!
Filter Off
Filter On
How to change your filters
Just tap on the filter symbol to open up the editing page which will look a bit like this:
Any filter that is active will show a RED line on the left beside it so you can see what you have selected.
All members can play around and choose exactly what they want from:
- Age
- Role
- Interests
Premium members can additionally filter Profiles by the following criteria:
- Height
- Body Type
- Ethnicity
- Hair
- Body Hair
- Safe Sex
- Joined Within
- Members with Photos
- Show Premium Members Only
- Travel (Online and New Member lists only)
You can go back to the default settings anytime by tapping on the reset button or choose to reset certain criteria by tapping them or manually resetting the parameters to remove it from your filter
Once you are happy with your choices, just click on the red tick button!
You don't need to change your filter each time you turn it on - we save your previous settings so you can get on with the more important stuff.
How to turn it on
Just go to Profiles in the left hand side menu and tap on the Filter On/Off button at the top of the page!
Filter Off
Filter On
How to change your filters
Just tap on the filter symbol to open up the editing page which will look a bit like this:
Any filter that is active will show a RED line on the left beside it so you can see what you have selected.
All members can play around and choose exactly what they want from:
- Age
- Role
- Interests
Premium members can additionally filter Profiles by the following criteria:
- Height
- Body Type
- Ethnicity
- Hair
- Body Hair
- Safe Sex
- Joined Within
- Members with Photos
- Show Premium Members Only
- Travel (Online and New Member lists only)
You can go back to the default settings anytime by tapping on the reset button or choose to reset certain criteria by tapping them or manually resetting the parameters to remove it from your filter
Once you are happy with your choices, just click the back arrow in the top left to save your changes.
You don't need to change your filter each time you turn it on - we save your previous settings so you can get on with the more important stuff.