The Top 100s list contains 3 categories:
Latest Photos - This list displays the most recent 100 member profiles with updated photos.
Top Viewed - This list displays the past 30 days 100 most visited member profiles.
Top Cruised - This list displays the past 30 days 100 most cruised member profiles.
How do I appear on these lists?
To be eligible to be included in these lists, you must be a premium member with at least 1 main photo.
You must also be opted-in to the Top 100s via the Visibility options on the privacy tab in your settings.
Please note, you will not be able to opt in to the Top 100s if you've not verified your email.
How do I opt in/out?
Please note – This isn’t something you can change on the App currently, to make changes you’ll need to access our website from a browser and follow the steps below.
To opt in or out of the Top 100s list, Click the Main Menu and click Settings.
You'll see 3 tabs at the top, "My Account", "Preferences" and "Privacy". Select the Privacy tab.
In the "Visibility" section you can select to either opt in or out of displaying in the Top 100s list.