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Reset your password

Even the best of us forget our passwords! No need to worry, you can reset your password with a few easy steps!

Website :

Visit and click the "Login" button. In the bottom corner, click on the "I forgot my password".

You can then enter your email associated with your account or your member name.

For security reasons you will be emailed a 6-digit password reset code to enter, If you don’t see the email, check other places it might be - like your junk, spam, social or other folders.

Once you have entered the 6-digit password reset code, you will be asked to enter your new password.

Please Note - You won't be able to reset your password if it's not secure enough. We recommend reading our Password Security Article for more information on creating a secure password.



Open the Recon app and tap oin "forgot your details". You can then enter your email associated with your account or your member name.

For security reasons you will be emailed a 6-digit password reset code to enter, If you don’t see the email, check other places it might be - like your junk, spam, social or other folders.

Once you have entered the 6-digit password reset code, you will be asked to enter your new password.

Please Note - You won't be able to reset your password if it's not secure enough. We recommend reading our Password Security Article for more information on creating a secure password.

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